
Monday, 3 September 2018

Ciri Visual Komik Strip Sunda Opat Madhab Setan dalam Majalah Manglé

Kankan Kasmana1, Riama Maslan Sihombing2 & Irfansyah2
1Program Studi Desain Komunikasi VisualUniversitas Komputer Indonesia (Unikom), Kampus IV UG-2 Prodi DKV, Jln. Dipatiukur No. 112-114 Bandung 40132, Indonesia
2KK Komunikasi Visual dan Multimedia, Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain,
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan Ganesa No.10, Bandung, Indonesia
Email: melihat2@yahoo.com

Abstract. Opat Madhab Setan, a comic strip published by Manglé; Sundanese news, literature, and culture magazine from March to December 1988 in 42 editions. The comic artist tries to depict Sundanese culture through a distinguished illustration in making up the visual elements by taking into account the compositions of societies and its value. The aims of this research are to discovering and comprehending the way Sundanese culture is represented. In addition, it is also meant to identify the visual criteria in the comic. The qualitative-content analysis is used to describe in details how the elements in particular story revealed through drawings and writings. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the comic Opat Madhab Setan has the characteristics of semi-realistic drawings, gestural, not detailed, untidy and inconsistent in its panel size, large font for its manual typography, dominated by normal balloons, interdependent joint panel, and peculiar sundanese onomatopoeic sound effects. The Sundanese culture is represented through stereotype characterization, physical illustration, gestures, facial expression, and background. Islam is illustrated as the belief system being adopted. The nature illustrated through the existence of the rice fields, daily use attributes, social interactions, belief, and the value of leadership among the sundanese society. 

Keywords: comic, comic strip, Manglé, Sundanese, visual character.

Sunday, 2 September 2018

Banana Bark as A Part of Acoustic Design Unit by Hybrid Technology Application

Maharani Dian Permanasari, Dwinita Larasati & Dian Widiawati
Magister of Design Program, Faculty of Visual Art and Design,
Institute of Technology Bandung, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
E-mail: maharani.dianp@yahoo.com

Abstract. Banana bark is one of tropical indigenous natural resources that can be used as main material for many products. Being a fast-growing renewable material, it is durable and has natural patterns that people find visually attractive. Naturally, its textures and patterns are its main values; therefore it has the potential to be developed further. This research is needed to optimize the growth of small craft industries of banana bark, including the community where production activities take place, and also to provide information or reference of banana bark utilizations. Previous experiments conclude that banana bark has porous structure, high flexibility, relatively water-resistant due to its natural wax coating that resists water droplets, unless being washed down immensely. Also, due to its softwood- and paper-like properties, ithas many possibilities to be formed and processed into various functional products, mostly as craft products. In the subsequent study, the research about the utilization of banana bark in small industries starting from the harvesting system, handling problems in raw material supply, applying proper technology in improving the material’s quality, improving the human-resource working culture by appropriate technologies, and also innovating the product’s designs. The recommended designs can be implemented to improve the performance and qualities of banana bark products. 

Keywords: applied technology; banana bark; renewable materials; design; sustainability.

Design Issues and Information Contents of the Provincial Government Websites of Indonesia: A Content Analysis on Visual Messages

Achmad Syarief1, Agung Eko Budiwaspada2, Irfansyah2 & Ifa Shafira Mustikadara2
1Research Group of Human and Industrial Product Design, FSRD, ITB – Indonesia
2Research Group of Visual Communication and Multimedia, FSRD, ITB – Indonesia
Email :

Abstract. A website is not just merely act as an object of displaying information, but it also represents a contextual medium of communication through visuals and contents. The interplay of website design elements builds up meanings that affect users beyond what previous communication practices have uncovered. Previous research acknowledges that visuals and contents have significant effects in attracting users’ attention and trust. Thus, the ability of a website to provide credible information through visuals and contents to target users is therefore plays great importance in the success of a website. However, although a considerable number of researches on website design have been performed, study in understanding the characteristics of site’s visual appearances and information contents for the purpose of promoting local investment in Indonesia has been very limited. This paper addresses visual design issues and information contents of eighteen provincial government websites of Indonesia. Through content analysis, the paper comparatively examines visual appearances, information contents, and functions of each website, in order to determine visual characteristics and contents that suit the purpose of promoting local potencies. The paper focuses on commonality, discrepancy, and pattern of contents, provide suggestions to improve the use of provincial government website design of Indonesia. 

Keywords: content analysis; visual messages; website design; web information.

The Revival of the Usage of Natural Fibers and Natural Dyes in Indonesian Textile

Dian Widiawati
Craft and Tradition Research Group, Faculty of fine Art and Design, 
Bandung Institute of Technology

Abstract. Indonesia is known to possess abundant natural resources as well as a diverse textile tradition. Some examples of traditional textile materials are those made from indigenous natural fibers, such as silk, cotton, ramie, pineapple fibers, and banana frond fibers, which make use of natural dyes. The specific natural back ground and unique cultural tradition of a region strongly influence the creative process of local textile artisans and the visual form of textile works. After the invention of synthetic dyes, the usage of natural dyes has gradually decreased. However, the optimism in using traditional dyes recently emerges in the textile world in Indonesia. This tendency grows along with the issues of awareness of nature and the soaring popularity of back-to-nature lifestyle. 
This study attempts to identify the relations between the usage of natural dyes in the past and its relevance to contemporary contexts. This study focuses on several topics, firstly the past role of natural dyes and the invention of synthetic dyes which outgrow natural dyes. Then, this study aims to explain why natural dyes are recently being reused in textile, which leads to identifying the contemporary position or role of natural dyes, besides the existence of synthetic dyes which technically possess various advantages. This study also aspires to identify the advantages and shortcomings of natural dyes based on the consumers’ acceptance and certain contexts. The method used in this study is the qualitative descriptive method through interdisciplinary approaches.

Keywords: natural dyes; natural fibers; Indonesian traditional textile; textile.

Persuasi Melalui Ilustrasi dalam Iklan Cetak

Didit Widiatmoko Suwardikun
Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain, Institut Teknologi Bandung , Indonesia
Email : diditw@bdg.centrin.net.id

Abstract. Since our childhood we learn reading as well as writing, but drawing has become something unimportant, until we are often left behind when figuring out what is the meaning and function of a visual image. On the other hand, we are surrounded by visual images which become more increased and more sophisticated, until we are unconsciously affected with many kinds of visual images we perceived. Through observation and visual analysis towards newspaper’s printed advertisements within a certain time, it will explain us how the power of illustration, either photography or hand made, is in purpose to get attention and to persuade the target audience. Collaboration between visualization of text messages and visual messages will make the ads more effective.   

Keywords: advertisement; visual persuasion; visual representation.

The Nature of Ismail Zain’s Art: A Different Vision in Malaysian Contemporary Art

Issarezal Bin Ismail & Setiawan Sabana
Faculty of Art and Design,
Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) – INDONESIA

Abstract. This study is an exploration of Ismail Zain’s art, one of the pioneers in new media art in Malaysia. It will focus on his outstanding display in Digital Collage exhibition, an exhibition was notable by art critics from Malaysia and Asia Pacific as the touchstones of a new approach in art which was a non-personalized medium that specifically depended on highly mechanized consideration. The purpose of this study is to explore Ismail’s art in terms of the process itself. In order to understand the nature Ismail’s art, there are three important questions: What are the idea and concept in his art? What are the medium and technique that were used in his art? How was the artwork itself? These questions are addressed by data gathered in Malaysia through collection of the artifacts, documents regarding interviews, and some institutional historical resources. The data have been divided and presented into the following themes: (a) conception, (b) operations and (c) synthesis.  

Keywords: digital collage exhibition; ismail zain; Malaysian contemporary art.

Saturday, 1 September 2018

Path Independence in Adiabatic Quantum Computing for Hadamard Gate

Jusak Sali Kosasih1,2, Suhadi1,2 & Freddy Permana Zen1,2
1Indonesian Center for Theoretical and Mathematical Physics,
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
2Theoretical Physics Laboratory, THEPI Research Division,
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
Email: jusak@fi.itb.ac.id

Abstract. The computation time in adiabatic quantum computing (AQC) is determined by the time limit of the adiabatic evolution, which in turn depends on the evolution path. In this research we have used the variational method to find an optimized path. For the simplest case involving a single qubit and for the most general path involving one or more independent interpolating functions, the result is path independent. This result does not change when there is an extra Hamiltonian term. We have also applied these two scenarios in AQC to a Hadamard gate. Adding an extra Hamiltonian gives a non-trivial result compared to the normal AQC, however it does not result in a speed-up. Moreover, we show that in these two scenarios we can choose an arbitrary path provided that it satisfies the boundary conditions. 

Keywords: adiabatic quantum computation;extra Hamiltonian; Hadamard gate; nonlinear interpolation; time complexity; variational principle